Richard + Rennee | Sikh Wedding -


Richard + Rennee | Sikh Wedding

Jul 2

Richard and Renee were married in May at the Gurdwara Sahib, Hidden Falls in Plymouth, Michigan.  We loved learning about all the traditions that went along with their wedding. It was an Indian/American wedding so it was a new experience for many of the guests.  The getting ready part of the day was full of color, love, and excitement.  It was wonderful that so many people were involved with getting Renee ready.
The Baraat was a really fun experience.  It was the part of the day where the groom arrives, Richard chose to arrive on horseback, and there is a Dhol drummer, music and dancing for close to an hour before the families are introduced to each other. The elders greeted them with garland and hugs.  We really enjoyed this part because it is so great to see how happy the families are to come together.
They had a traditional Sikh ceremony held within the temple.  The Sikh marriage ceremony is called Anand Karaj. Anand meand bliss, Karaj is a ceremony. The Sikh religion was founded in the 15th century by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, he defined the fundamental concepts of Sikhism which were perpetuated by the succeeding nine Gurus. The tenth Guru abolished he Guruship in human form and bestowed it upon he Shabad- the Gurus’ teachings contained in the holy book, the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The Gurus held  marriage in high regard and believed its most important purpose is to fuse two souls into one so they are spiritually inseparable.  During the ceremony the groom and bride are brought in separately with members of  their family. There are multiple prayers, hymns, and a palla ceremony which is where the the bride’s father places the end of the groom’s scarf, the Palla, into the hands of the brides.  This signifies the father’s blessing to the couple as he gives his daughter away. After more hymns and prayers the ceremony ends with the serving of Karah Prasad, an offering of blessed food to all. After the conclusion of the ceremony there is a luncheon (Langar) where guests can congratulate the couple.
There was a break in the day before Richard and Renee changed their outfits before going to their reception. I am determined to borrow Renee’s dress one day just for fun, it is so so beautiful!!! Their reception was at the Saffron Indian Cuisine in Farmington Hills.  During this time guests were able to visit more with each other and celebrate with the bride and groom.  There were guests from out of state and over-seas.  It really was an amazing day and we were so honored to be there to capture it.  Here are a few of our favs from the day. Hope you enjoy!
Henna is by Kelly Caroline.
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