Kylee-6 days old -


Kylee-6 days old

Jul 13

Kylee’s mom was due the last week that I would be shooting sessions but I told her just to let me know whenever she got here and I would make sure she had her pictures taken.  I am pretty sure she emailed me about her arrival on my “last day”, I of course told her that we would make it work between our schedules and Independence day, and I am so happy that we were able to find a time that worked out.  This little girl was such a sweetie and slept the whole time!!  Amazing…and even more amazing, she didn’t pee or poop on anything either! (I have only had one other baby that made it the whole session without dirtying up a blanket some how!)

She didn’t even mind putting on a tutu (most babies are not fans of this!)

Thank you guys for bringing her over, so glad we got to meet her! I hope you guys are enjoying your new life with her!

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