Little Miss Riley -


Little Miss Riley

Jan 21

We have been so happy to be the photographers at Jason and Laura’s wedding and have now watched them grow into a wonderful family of 3 capturing their journey along the way!!
Here are a few of my favs from our session with them the other day.  We went over for a session and for a visit on our way to Ikea since they live so close to it, and well I always can find an excuse to go to Ikea!  It was fun for us because Dave and I took turns shooting depending on when our baby needed to eat! (Well I should say even more fun for me because I got to tell Dave what I wanted him to do while I fed Ronin!) I love seeing new parents with their baby at home just enjoying their new life together. Thanks guys for trusting us with so many beautiful memories in your life! You both have beautiful souls and we are happy we met you!
baby in hands
baby hair
 Hello sweet girl
tiny fingers
Charley was happy to come see and hold a new baby too since she already misses when her brother was that small!
Charley holding her

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