The Rainbow Connection -


The Rainbow Connection

Apr 26

We were hired to do promo photos for The Rainbow Connection recently and we both felt very fortunate to spend the day with such wonderful people.  If you are not familiar with The Rainbow Connection, their mission is to grant wishes to Michigan children with life threatening or terminal illnesses.  They are located in a adorable house in Rochester that makes you feel like you are coming home as you walk through the doors.  Check them out here.
We met 7 children that have had, or will have, wishes come true because of this wonderful organization.  The first girl we got to work with was actually in her late teens, she is absolutely gorgeous and was lots of fun to work with.
All of the others were younger so they were accompanied by their family.  As parents ourselves it was very nice to meet the families of all of the children, we grabbed some shots of them as well so they could have.  This little girl had a twin sister and it was almost impossible to get them apart at first.
Hello little miss bright eyes! She had the most infectious laugh!


This little boy tugged at my heart the moment I saw him. Maybe it is his blue eyes and blonde hair, or maybe it was his sweet little voice I heard as he spoke.  Most likely, it was because through his shyness, as he hugged on to his mommy really tight, when I said hi to him he gave me the faintest little smile, peeking out from her arm, just the way that our son does.Rainbow_Connection-1136This little girl was such a little fashionista!  She was such a great model!!  I’m pretty sure she could start her own fashion line if she wanted to.
The next boy had a personality that anyone could love.  He was very well spoken and knew what he wanted.  Dave had a couple ideas and when he told him he just responded with, ” No, thanks!” I laughed so hard.  Then his mom came in to tickle him- when we showed him the pictures of him being tickled he shook his head.  He was quite the character!
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The last little girl is another beauty with big bright eyes. She was a wonderful model as well, her daddy is a photographer so she has had lots of practice. We had him get in some shots too, he was happy to be on the other side of the camera for once.
We both really enjoyed working with all of the kids.  Hearing a child’s laughter will make anyone smile and it warms your hear even more so to see these kids that have been through so much still be so happy.  It was wonderful to hear the great stories from their parents about their wishes, and progress.  I wish all of them the best  and I want to personally thank The rainbow Connection for being such great people. They had this poem framed that I absolutely adore.
“Listen to the mustn’ts child, Listen to the don’ts.
Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts.
Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me…
Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
-Shel Silverstein

  1. Sarah Kossuch says:

    This. Is. Beautiful. <3

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