Real Women -


  I have a problem with so many of these “Real Women” campaigns that there are today.  They say a “Real Woman” is curvy.  How is this not just as disrespectful to women that are perfectly healthy and wear a size zero? The part that drives me even more crazy is to talk about these thicker, real women and show them with their curves, but yet they are completely edited, softening any imperfections to look like a doll and even altering their curves to look a little more ideal… how is that real?  I know there is a great need for photoshop and of course it is wonderful to remove blemishes for certain things.. But do not attach completely edited or discriminating photos to the word real.
As someone that is naturally smaller I can remember being so stressed about not having a “perfect” 34-24-34. Two kids later, my hips are wider which I love, and to me I feel pretty curvy, but some might disagree.  I wouldn’t mind if my booty was a little bigger, but trust me I have tried; and to tell me, or anyone of my size, that I am not a “Real Woman” is insulting. Just as insulting as it is to tell a big girl that she is fat.

As a woman I understand the pressures to feel comfortable with your body; as a mother I feel the responsibility to make sure my daughter grows up confident and that my son is respectful to women; and a photographer I see the human body as fascinating and beautiful. That is why I did this. “Real” is real. There are no size requirements or limitations. There is no altering.




 1.actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed.
 2.(of a substance or thing) not imitation or artificial; genuine.

There are so many opinions of what a woman’s body should look like, I believe women should just be healthy and proud of themselves.  When we pick apart ourselves and our bodies, our children see that and follow our footsteps. If you want to improve on something, then do so, but don’t talk negatively about it. How many moms out there have actually looked in the mirror and said, “I love my body!” ? How many of your daughter’s or nieces have heard you? Probably not many.  With all the glamour of hollywood and marketing girls today need real role models to look up to.  It starts at home.
This is a personal project done by me, Candice Lamarand.  Intended not to offend anyone, but to change they way women are looked at.  This project means so much to me and I can not thank everyone involved enough.  When I posted that I was looking for women that loved their bodies, I was amazed with the response I received back. All of these ladies are moms.  Ladies of all different sizes and shapes, some with stretch marks or wrinkles but they are some of the most beautiful people I have every met. None of these images are photo-shopped. This is what “Real Women” look like.  I really enjoyed working with everyone and hearing why they wanted to do this project.  For themselves. For their daughters, sons, their nieces, and some to say to the world, “Don’t judge me.”   You guys are beautiful, brave, sexy, strong and inspiring- thank you again.
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real women
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
real woman portrait
I also have to include one of my favs from when I was testing.  First shot, Lindsay just takes a sip of her Latte’ as she waits for me to say its go- time. I love it.
real woman portrait

  1. […] and for them to embrace their natural beauty. I had photographed a group of moms for a project on “real women” a couple years ago and the response was incredible.  I had put off doing any other personal […]

  2. Jeannette levene says:

    You’re beautiful inside and out… I love the pictures and the message!

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