Bridget+Kyle Married! -


Bridget+Kyle Married!

Jul 16

On the day of Bridget and Kyle’s wedding Dave went to the hotel the girls were getting ready at first while I went to the house the guys were at.  The guys were finishing up getting ready, struggling with their pocket squares and pocket watches. Good thing I am getting pretty good at pocket squares!  I told them not to worry about putting their coats on, since it was a very hot day they were pretty excited about this.  After they shared in a group cheers with a shot of energy drink (he told his soon to be bride they wouldn’t have any shots of liquor)  we decided to walk to the end of the road for some fun shots of them.

As were were shooting one of the guys asked if I would take a certain picture for them…. I of course said sure and asked what it was.  He said,” Well, we kinda have this face….the ugly face” .  I started laughing and said okay…once they made “the face” I couldn’t stop laughing…and it still makes me laugh every time I look at this.

One of the guys asked if I was going to make them jump and after a few other shots I said,” ya know what, yes I am “, but I told them only if they promised to give it their all…. I think they did a very good job and I love how everyone has such a different expression.

When I got to the church and asked Dave how his morning went he said it went well and that Bridget looked stunning!  He showed me a couple images on his camera and he was right, she looked absolutely gorgeous.  I was pretty excited for Kyle to see her because I knew that he was growing very anxious while waiting!!

This little guy didn’t want to wait any longer either.

…and here she comes…

Their ceremony was really nice and filled with lots of smiles and love.  After the ceremony we went to their reception location, the Grecian Center, to do their formal pictures so we could make the most of our time.

Such pretty ladies! I loved their dresses too!

Then it was time for them to share their first dance as Mr+Mrs!

Time for all “the single ladies”…  How cute is she?!!!!

Their reception was lots of fun, full of dancing and quite an impressive show by the guy that caught the garter, he did center splits at least 3 times!  After a while Dave took Bridget and Kyle out for a little fresh air and some sparkler magic!

Thank you Kyle and Bridget so much for having us capture your wedding. We really enjoyed ourselves and you guys were so much fun to work with!! I also want to thank you for taking the time to answer these questions so I could include them in this blog!
I asked each of them what they thought when they first saw each other.
Bridget: “I was so nervous the whole wedding planning about being in front of all of those people! but when the doors of the church opened we locked eyes immediately and I felt so calm. I remember thinking “he looks pretty” lol and I remember it felt like we were walking forever and I just wanted to get to him.”
Kyle: “When I first saw Bridget I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world, and that I am the luckiest guy to have her for the rest of my life…. and my heart was beating really fast!”
I also asked them what their favorite part of the wedding was.
Kyle: “My favorite part of the wedding was  looking out at everyone while we were eating and realizing that all these friends and family were here for us.”
Bridget: “My favorite part of our wedding was our ceremony. I loved everything about it from walking down the aisle to our first kiss. It felt like Kyle and I were the only two in the room while we said our vows. I tried to take in every moment like how Kyles hands shook the whole ceremony, and how amazing it felt to say “My husband” for the first time. It was everything I dreamed of.”
I asked Bridget to share any advice she may have for future brides, she had this to say:
“My advice is there are things that will go wrong that you cannot control… like you ran out of time to go where you wanted to go to take pictures. And your DJ can’t get the music to work and your running 40 minutes behind. And The video camera broke so there is no video of your wedding at all. And it seems like it’s all going wrong but it’s not and it doesn’t matter anyway… The pictures will still be beautiful, no one noticed the music, and there’s no video but you’ll remember every detail and everyone will still have a great time! Don’t get stressed because it goes by too fast to waste time worrying about that stuff. That’s something I wish someone told me. Don’t get me wrong I had the best time! But I stressed out about those things and I wish I didn’t even care because today none of that comes to mind when I think of my wedding. I think of laughing with my friends and family, dancing with my husband and eating really good food!”

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