Jon and Kellie -


Jon and Kellie wanted to have some updated pictures of the two of them while it was still just the two of them (well three if you count their dog). They knew that sooner or later they would be trying for a baby and wanted some images of  them, besides wedding images or phone pics.  I think it is awesome when couples do this. There is more to couples than just getting married and starting a family, there is that time when you are just being YOU… (together).  After the excitement of the wedding wears off , somedays it can be tricky to take time out and just enjoy each other and to remind each other why you love them. I think it is really important to do that.
I love shooting these types of sessions because I love watching husbands and wives flirt with each other, laugh with each other and get lost in each other eyes.
These two were so much fun to work with and such a great looking couple! When Kellie got out of the car I was pretty much speechless by her beauty.  Add in her handsome husband, their great style, beautiful field, and a love for each other that would make anyone smile and they made my job pretty easy 😉
Husband and wife field
Husband and wife field smile
Husband and wife picnic
Husband and wife field picnic
Husband and wife field BW
Husband and wife field laugh
Husband and wife field BW hug
Husband and wife field relax
wife beautiful
cotton fuzzy things
Husband and wife dirt road
tree huger
Husband and wife field romance

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