Friends from the start -


Friends from the start

Apr 6

Both Dave and I have worked with Jessica multiple times and love doing so.  She is a wonderful person with a beautiful family. The thing I love most about return clients is being able to watch their child(ren) grow.
I lost count on how many times I have told her that her daughter is “so cute” during our last session.  The weather was absolutely beautiful the day of our session which is always a bonus!

In addition to Jessica’s family I was going to be shooting her friend, Nicole’s family session as well the same day.  Jessica has been friends with Nicole since they were in first grade.  The funny part is that they told each other that they were pregnant on the same day, neither one of them knew the other one was trying to conceive!  They were due 2 weeks apart from each other but ended up having a month in between their girls birthdays.  It is so wonderful that they have had such a long term friendship and now their daughters have been friends from the start!  I grabbed some shots of the two of them before starting Nicole’s family session.

This was my first time I worked with Nicole’s family, they were great and I had a blast capturing their family’s love.

This little girl LOVED trying to open all the doors!!

Hope you enjoyed! I’ll dedicate this one to good friends!

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