Family session | Fort Walton Beach | Destin | Florida -


Family session | Fort Walton Beach | Destin | Florida

Nov 22

Laura and her family are extra special to me; they are more than clients. They are friends… really amazing friends.  The first day I met Laura was at her wedding, she was and always will be one of the sweetest people I’ve ever known.  I did her maternity pictures, and I was there while she labored and after she brought their daughter into the world.  Her beautiful family has given me the honor of photographing them several times and I’ve loved every session, but this session will be one I will never forget.

This session took place on a wonderful slice of Earth known as the emerald coast near Destin, Florida at Fort Walton Beach. The sand was so white it looked like snow at night and the water was so clear you could walk out forever in it and still see the bottom. When you looked at the ocean it was a bright emerald green at the coast line and eventually faded it to a gorgeous blue. As you looked out further it was hard to tell where the water stoped and the sky began and the sunrises and sunsets are a must see!!  It is no wonder they fell in love with this place!

The second time Laura and Jason vacationed at Fort Walton Beach, he proposed and since then they have celebrated wedding anniversaries as a family, so when she asked if I would be up for coming there to take their photos I knew I had to (and I’m so glad I did!) On this trip Jason’s parents came as well to celebrate their own wedding anniversary too! I was glad that Grandma snuck in for some pics!

Here is a look into some of my favs from my time with them and although we didn’t originally plan on taking photos in the pool sometimes when toddlers are involved it is easier to embrace whats going on then to fight it 😉 She did great for our session, I just wanted to do another one the next night as well! To be honest I’m not sad at all about having an inflatable dolphin in some of the shots! hahaha way to be a great dad Jason on proving to Riley that it would be fun!

We played on the beach and in the ocean, let the sun kiss our skin, chased sunsets and sunrises, caught some sea creatures, saw dolphins, let the salt water style our hair…..

To Jason and Laura: Thank you again for giving me the honor to capture your family in one of your favorite destinations! (and Laura, thank you for always having my Starbucks order ready for me)
To Riley: Stay wild and free beautiful girl.
To our associate Charlene: thank you for coming with me to hold my gear, walk to the pier with me, rest, and to enjoy some quiet time at the ocean!

Much love to you all! -Candice
The sunrise was my alarm clock each day, and my goodness was it lovely!

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